KM-PMV Vaccine:
- Protect your pigeons with the KM-PMV Vaccine, specially designed to safeguard against Pigeon Paramyxovirus (PMV), a highly contagious and devastating disease endemic in feral pigeon populations.
- PMV can be introduced through contact with feral pigeons or stressed adult birds shedding the virus. Vaccination is essential to protect your flock.
Important Shipping Information:
- UPS Next Day Air is required for guaranteed delivery. If not chosen, the vaccine’s viability cannot be ensured.
- Orders placed on Thursday or Friday with UPS Next Day Air will ship the following Monday.
- No refunds or returns under any circumstances.
Why Choose KM-PMV Vaccine?
- Proven effective against Pigeon Paramyxovirus through gene sequencing and extensive lab/field testing.
- Developed using the field virus isolated from a pigeon that succumbed to PMV.
- Manufactured by ARKO, a USDA-licensed vaccine lab, and created by pigeon experts, Dr. John Kazmierczak and Dr. Paul Miller.
- Features a smooth, gentle adjuvant to minimize vaccine reactions and downtime.
- USDA licensed: legal to sell, ship, and use in the U.S.
- Suitable for all pigeon types: racing, show, meat, pet, flying, and research.
Technical Support:
- Direct assistance from Dr. Kazmierczak: (609) 771-0995 (West Trenton Animal Hospital).
Note: Vaccines are non-returnable and must be stored and handled properly to maintain effectiveness.